Our Fireworks

Our Fireworks
I took this picture at a fireworks display a few years ago.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Birthday

Today is a special day. It is my Birthday. I slept in late (7:15am if you can believe it! WOW! No, I am not joking, that is late for me), ate the very last bit of cereal (which happened to be my favorite kind...Chex! I won't mention how it is one of the only kinds I can have. It is still my FAVORITE cereal, still not kidding), and came on the computer to learn my Aunts and pastor have already wished me happy Birthday! Then, my seven double cousins called to sing a rather discordenated, very sweet happy birthday via the phone. And I can't forget to mention one of the best parts of the day so far - my mom gave me a hug. I love you, Mom! So, fifteen minutes in, and my Birthday is already so good!

Yet, I still have to mention someone I could not have made it this far and been the person I am without - God. Thank you, Lord, for the lessons that helped me grow (even if some of them were painful) and for the family and friends you gave me. I could never have gotten here without You.

Mom, Dad, I love you so much. You are always there, always special. Mom, I don't care if you shake. I love you now and just the way you are. You can shake for the rest of your life and I won't mind. You are MY MOM. Nothing will ever change that. I will never stop loving you. Dad, there isn't even words. I love you so much. You are my Daddy and I want nothing more than to make you proud of me. I love you, I love you, I love you. And when an author finds herself speechless and unable to describe how much someone means to her that is a HUGE sign! Thank you for loving me.

Aunt Miriam, you have been one of my biggest heroes my whole life! You have encouraged me, loved me, cared for me. I love the silly books you always read us and I don't ever want that to stop. I love the laughter your presence always brings. You mean more to me than words can describe. Thank you for always saying 'it just hasn't clicked yet' when I had trouble reading. That meant so much. I love you.

Aunt Vonda, thank you for just being you. I miss you so much. You have always meant fun, laughter and excitment. And not ust because of the gifts! I love you.

Aunt Cindy, our silly conversations via Messanger mean so much. Every time I'm around you, I keep thinking, "I want to be as patient and kind as her." I have never met someone as patient as you are. You are special, funny, and kind unlike anyone I've ever know. I love you, so very much. I always look forward to seeing you.

Aunt Chari, thank you for inviting me into your boat. Literally (three days ago) and metaporically (my entire life). I couldn't have been blessed with a more wonderful family. I love you, Aunt Chari.

Missy, Rose, Peter, Jules, I love you guys. Maybe I don't say it a lot, but I think it all the time. I know I don't say much besides books scenes and ideas, but that is my way of talking. Every time you help me, it means the world to me. My life would be dull and boring without you. I love you. You are my family and therefore my most special friends.

Pastor Nick, maybe you only count as family through Christ, but you have inspired me. Thank you for always being there and praying. It means so much. Thank you for everything!

My friends, I have too many of you to count, but I love you all so much it hurts! Thank you for everything!

And thank You, God, for them all.

God bless you on my special day!


P.S. Guess what type of cake I get? PINEAPPLE CAKE! YAY!

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