Our Fireworks

Our Fireworks
I took this picture at a fireworks display a few years ago.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Crazy Drive

A nice quiet drive through the nice quiet city with a nice quiet navigator and a nice quiet driver… No. Not even close.

“Turn!” screams the navigator.
*Driver screeches around the corner.*
“Stop!” she yells.
*Driver slams on the break.*
“That was our turn!” she cries.
*Driver swivels into the parking lot to turn around.*

This was how my day went. My mom, the navigator, trying to give directions to our neighbor, the driver, as me and Melissa sit in the back in a state of near panic. (Near panic isn’t quite the same as panic but something between panic and excitement. If you’ve ever gone on an amusement park ride, you know what I’m talking about. It was something like that, only a little more dangerous.)

It all started with a trip to the chiropractor and ended with a very car-sick person (namely: Me.) The trip to town wasn’t so bad because our neighbor didn’t need directions. Once we got into town was when the trouble started. The trouble really had nothing at all to do with their lack of driving and navigating skills, it had to do with their talking skills. The whole trip they talked to one another and the whole trip my mom forgot to give the directions to our neighbor until we got to our turn. The dialogue went something like this:

Mom: “The small tiller might not work so well because… Turn!”
Neighbor: “Here?”
Mom: “There! Turn, now!”
Neighbor: “Why wouldn’t the tiller work?”
Mom: “You could use it but it would till in all the grass seeds on those plants…Stop! That’s our stop!”
Neighbor: “You should tell me before hand, honey!”
Mom: “And you don’t want all those grass seeds where you plant your garden.”
Neighbor: “I hadn’t thought of that. This lane?”
Mom: “No, the next one… Wait! That was it.”
Neighbor: “What…?”
Mom: “Turn in there! Turn around and go back.”
Neighbor: “Okay.”
Mom: “No, never mind, that wasn’t it.”

And then there was the left and right issue. My mother, who can’t tell the two apart, kept saying ‘left’ for ‘right’ and ‘right’ for ‘left’ which only caused more confusion!

This might sound fun to all those like my younger siblings but by the end of the day I was wondering whether the chiropractor had done any good! Needless to say, it was interesting. I’m not sure you could call a single moment boring!


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