Our Fireworks

Our Fireworks
I took this picture at a fireworks display a few years ago.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Food in Edgemont

And well I’m home on the weekend I will post another Edgemont story….

For dinner (on the 6th) we went out to a nice restaurant. After our small camper it was a VERY nice change. It was one of those places where when someone walks through the door and waves, everyone in the place waves back. Still not got a clear image? Well, it’s one of those places with half your grandma’s garage hanging on the walls.
Okay! I admit it! I’m writing this at the restaurant table. I had a great idea for a post and was afraid I’d lose it. So, here I am!
None of us, even Jon who eats more than Dad, could finish. This is MAJOR amounts of food! And….there has got to be an ‘and’ for this…its great! Giant, homemade, wonderful burritos and what’s not to like? And you all know I like food.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Oh The Life Of A Traveler

What good is it to have a blog called 'Just What I Think' if I don't have time to think? My dad says, "Welcome to adulthood." I'm fourteen! I still want to fly on dragonflies and wear buckets. Yet, God is leading me in new things.

Well, my friends and faithful readers, I am off. Today is the day! Camp begins at two which means we're outa here by twelve and we've got TONS to do. As I constantly remind myself, God's timing his perfect. If you're supposed to leave at one and it's twelve and you've got a lot to do, DON'T panic. God knows what He's doing. You don't.

I'll just have to tell you about Edgemont when things slow down, if things slow down!

At this rate I'm going to be abroad more than at home but God is in control and I trust Him more than anyone or anything else.

I LOVE camp (just thought I'd add that).

Yours truly,


Sunday, July 10, 2011

On The Road...Again

So, we were once again on the road to Edgemont (actually, I should say we are on the road to Edgemont since that’s where I’m writing this). It started at the post office as we dropped off the last bit of mail that would go out for awhile. Our neighbor was there as well and couldn’t resist saying that we looked like gypsies. Well, we did. Our pickup bed was packed up past the rim (supported by the frame my dad made for carrying around his tools). We were (all seven of us) packed into the little pickup as well. A tiny bit cramped.

After the post office it was off to Edgemont but before you get there you pass through Custer. So, obviously, we went through Custer. Julie decided we all needed to know something so she said, “It is really hard to say Custer fast.” She had spent the last few minutes doing just that.

I was in the front seat (oops, am in the front seat) with Mom and Dad. Mom replied, “It’s almost as hard to say Custer slow.”

I had a completely blond moment at that point in time and proceeded in saying, “Custer slow, Custer slow, Custer slow.” I was laughed at. Can you guess why? My memo (just so you know) came in late.

Yours truly,


Trip Adventures

This next series (I'm calling it a series!) is dedicated to my mother who bravely endured our corny jokes, the songs we sung all day for three or four days in a row, and the heat. And trust me, it was HOT!

I'm Back...For A Tiny Bit

I'm here. After two weeks. I know, I said it would be one but the job wasn't done in one. But I won't be here for long. Just one week because starting next Monday I'm off for two weeks of came. I will try to post all the stories I came up with at Edgemont for you before then.

If you're interested in where I'm going you can go here for details - http://www.blackhillsbaptistcamp.com/
