Our Fireworks

Our Fireworks
I took this picture at a fireworks display a few years ago.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Poem

Jesus, I love you,
And no one can know,
Just how far,
That love goes.

How could I live?
Without you today?
Life is too hard,
To find my own way!

Death is now nothing!
You’ve conquered the grave!
With you as my guide,
I find I am brave!

Without you I’m nothing!
A simple small speck!
But with you I’m something!
No longer a wreck!

Sin cannot cage me!
I am set free!
Thank you, dear Father!
Now your servant I’ll be!

I love you, Jesus! So very, very much!


  1. Did you write that, Mandy?


    1. Yes, I wrote it. I write lots of poems. :)
