Our Fireworks

Our Fireworks
I took this picture at a fireworks display a few years ago.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Very Random Randomness

My sister, whom I mention a lot, likes to say, “I put it somewhere so I can find it. The only problem is, I can’t remember where that is.” Now, you all know that when someone loses something that is yours, that you need it can be annoying. Why am I bringing this up? Well, I had a blog post and she lost it. According to her, she just put it somewhere that now has been forgotten. I don’t believe her. It was most certainly lost, misplaced, mislaid, invisible, cast away, missing, hidden, obscured, gone astray, nowhere to be found, strayed, lacking, wandered off, forfeited, vanished, wandering, minus, without, gone out of one's possession, absent, gone!!!!

Okay, big breaths. So, now you know my huge dilemma, impasse, quandary, mire, crisis, plight, quagmire, pickle! What am I supposed to write about now? It was a nice, short fantasy story that dealt with ‘dying of lack of malnutrition’. Oh well, it may never be seen again.

New subject! Poems. I told you I’d get back to that (in the story ‘Hats’.) You all know that I love writing. I write quite a bit (to put it lightly. No, seriously. This is putting it REALLY lightly.) Poems are wonderful, great, grand, terrific; cool…I could go on and on. They can talk about almost anything. I love writing them, reading them and talking about them. We all know that poems are wonderful.

Moving on again. I know, I’m being random (even more than usual) but I just can’t keep my mind on anything (sigh).

Book update! That’s a great subject!

I am almost finished with the third book (which is really the fourth because the prequel is number zero)!!!!! I have started (and got fifty pages or so) into the fourth book! Mom is working on editing the first book (not the prequel, the first one because you have to publish the first one first and then go back or something. Don’t ask me, I’m confused too!) Thank you, Mom, it means SO much!

I’m hoping for before Christmas (to get it sent out, I mean) but we’re busy, so I don’t know. The Lord is teaching me patience and I am accepting it slowly. God’s timing is perfect. But I can still hope.

I love planning out new books. It’s so fun. Quests and swordfights and sea chases and trying to see what God is telling me to show the readers through this one. I’m not sure yet but He’ll show me.

Well, that is all I can think of for now. I wish you all a wonderful night (I really do!)



  1. Well, you told me you'd try to write 'something to post' and you most certainly did! Hahaha! It was a fun read. :)

    Aunt Chari

  2. It was even funnier to write! There I am with Melissa staring over my shoulder! (She had to add some things, of course).

