Our Fireworks

Our Fireworks
I took this picture at a fireworks display a few years ago.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Science Experiment

We learned that I am not the only one to make mistakes in the kitchen, only this time it wasn't due to cooking.

Missy and Rose (the twins) were doing something in the kitchen and it looked more interesting than what I was doing. So, naturally, I went to see what they were doing. They looked a lot like scientist with their flower aprons, bright yellow rubber gloves and sunglasses. Yep, definitely more interesting (plus, there were cookies in the kitchen!)

They continued to pour together chemicals and spout scientific stuff and look real impressive and important and knowledge able and I continued to watch and eat cookies (they were chocolate ones!) Then, they took the container holding the chemicals to the sink and started to run water into it. This is when they stopped looking so impressive. The whole thing started steaming and bubbling and looking altogether bad. Rose stood over it; touching it (the book said it should ‘eventually’ be ‘slightly’ warm, ha, ha, ha!)

Evidently, chemical steam is bad for you. Rose started coughing and sputtering (and…well, sounding all together bad.) I left the kitchen for a few moments and came back to find they hiding out side on the back porch well their science experiment calmed itself.

I was terrified! This was bad, very, very bad! My cookies might be contaminated! My perfectly wonderful cookies! My chocolate cookies! But, luckily, they weren’t! How do I know…hmm, well, they tasted fine! And I’m not dead! Yet…

So now you all know, science experiments can go badly! (And if you already knew that, then you learned that you like my posts…maybe…)

Signing off,


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