Our Fireworks

Our Fireworks
I took this picture at a fireworks display a few years ago.

Monday, December 5, 2011

My Spanish and Book

Spanish is coming well and it is still fun. I can now say, "Alguno veces yo trabajar!" Which means, "Sometimes I work!"

I can say other things too. Like, "Yo amor rojo!" or "I love red!" I also have learned that "Perezoso" means lazy! (I know, kind of strange but aparently they like to call their burros lazy and I've been reading a lot about their burros.) I still love it and have starting writing stories in Spanish for practice when I feel like it! Very fun! I think I might start translating some of my other posts for practice because translating them will help me learn some common words. We'll see.

On a differnt note, I'd like prayer. Mom says we can send my first book off to the publisher January First. So, I'm going through my first book one last time and everything. Please pray. Thanks.



  1. A hairdryer????? Really???? You could ask. It's not like I'm not right here!!! The answer would have gotten you o ut of the job & back to writing for at least an hour.


  2. Oops! Coommented on the wrong post!

    Spanish = verb endings. I work = trabajo

    Te amo!
