Our Fireworks

Our Fireworks
I took this picture at a fireworks display a few years ago.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What Will You Say?

This morning I turned the computer on and went to facebook and was pleased to find on of the 'Christian post thingies' I enjoy. This one said: Ten Things God Wants You To Remember, which encluded 'He loves you' and 'He protects you'. They were all very true and I enjoyed it very much, even shared it. And then I clicked the 'read comments' button. I enjoy reading the comments as much as I enjoy reading the pictures and sayings. It is nice to see what the Christians around the world have to say but also for another reason. There are always those couple people who get one and say things like, "God isn't real." When I see those comments, I hover over the name and click the 'message' button and write this person, sharing my faith and hope. I don't know if I've ever made a impact on any of them, but it is something I enjoy doing. Sometimes there are even those few people who say, "I'm feeling overwhelmed, God help me," or such things as that.

Today the comments loaded and right away, the very first one, was a very long, almost blog size comment. "Christians are stupid and ignoriant. You are all brainwashed, crazy people who don't know anything. I was a Christian once but science proved to me that I was wrong." He went on and on, over and over, telling the whole world that Christian were stupid people who needed to go to church EVERY SUNDAY to be told what to do because they couldn't think for themselves. It made me sad. I hovered over the name in the hopes I could tell him some of our truth, God's love, the hope we have, the science that DOES prove us right. But it wasn't to be. There was only a 'like' button, no 'message' button. I even went to his page but found none. "Is He not one of your chosen, Lord?" I asked. "Or is it just not your time for him yet?"

I did not have the oppertunity to talk to him, to help him but what if you had the chance? What if someone came up to you, no warning, and said these things to you? You have no time to look anything up, no time to find verses, no time to think on how to answer - only time to pray and do? Would you have the answers you need? Would you be able to show them the science that DOES show the Bible is real? There is science out there that proves it. Look at the gospels for example. Have you noticed the disruptancies, the small changes in the stories? A man did quite a bit of research into it and found that, according to high athorities, that these disruptencies actually prove that the Bible was really written by different people that did not conspire to just write it up to confuse or brainwash people. People see things differently and therefore would tell it differently, imphasizing things that others leave completely out because they simply see it as 'unimportant'. I'm sure the police have noticed it - have you? Have five people tell you the same story (they all have to have been there) and listen for those small changes. It will happen unless they rehearsed it!

Another thing: if the people that wrote the New Testament just made it up, would they have been willing to be STONED, HUNG, and PROSICUTED for their lie? Would YOU die for a lie? No, they had to have REALLY, HONESTY believed it and remember, they are eye wittnesses. They couldn't have just been mis-led! They have SEEN with their own eyes the miracles not only done by Jesus but by those who believed him!

Did you know those things? They are out there to be found! God WANTS to use you, is willing to make his Word understandable to you! Get INTO it and LIVE it and USE it. Could YOU answer these questions? Could you help this person if he asked you these things? Do you have facts and verses to help?

You thought I was done? Wrong. He said one more thing that I think we need to face. It is one of those things no one likes to think about and I can tell you why: it is gross! It is sinful! It is wrong! Nowadays we call it 'gay'. I know, you winced, didn't you? This man said he was gay. "I can't help it, it is just natural, but because of it, you say I am sinful," he said. What would you have said? Maybe it is natural to him but you know what? SIN comes naturally to ALL OF US. We are sinful, broken human beings. Stealing may come easily to some, even murder is fairly easy to some people - does that make it right, does it make it okay? NO! It is still wrong. We will face these questions and we have to be ready for them. God gives us verses on this in Romans. Romans 1:21, 22, 24-28 and 32.

The next question is: what are you going to do? Some people say, "But I don't have oppertunities to tell people!" Do you have facebook, twitter, both? Then get on it and USE it for God. Sure, its purpose is to keep in touch with friends but God can use facebook, too! When you see someone say, "I don't believe in God," or other things like it, don't just shake your head sadly - DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! You have the tools you need, you CLEARLY have the time. So take a few moments to tell these people about God. Some of them are just waiting for someone to tell them, to let them know they are loved. Who cares if you don't know much! The Bible promises that God will give you the words. SO DO SOMETHING!

And for all of my wonderful, lovely, protective relatives, yes, my parents have given me permission to tell these people. :) I love you all.


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