Our Fireworks

Our Fireworks
I took this picture at a fireworks display a few years ago.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Cliff Painting!

Today I went cliff painting, painting on a cliff! (That's why it's called cliff painting) Confused? Well, we are painting this house with a shale wall behind it (as it one foot behind it) so there is no level ground (at all) to set a ladder on. What did we do? We leaned the ladder against the cliff and the house and hoped not to fall (it took faith especially with Missy singing about 'if I fall' and 'hard to keep my feet on the ground' and stuff. Very helpful).

After cliff painting, I went rail painting, painting off a rail! (That’s why it's called rail painting). Confused again? Well, I stood on a porch rail, clung to a post, hung myself out and painted the roof. Once again Missy was singing about falling and other unhelpful things.

Besides that, my day was a day full of paint and paint and...well, paint.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had some precarious fun. By the way, what happened to 'Names have been changed to protect the . . . innocent.'??? ;)

    Aunt Chari
