Our Fireworks

Our Fireworks
I took this picture at a fireworks display a few years ago.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers' Day

Today is Fathers’ Day. So, naturally, I’m going to talk about my dad. I’m pretty sure every other blog on the planet will be doing the same thing.

What can I sat about dads that’ll make any difference? What is there to say? For mothers you can go on and on. Dads, they just want one thing. So, I’ll say it.

I love you, Dad. I always have and always will. I can not tell you how much but think of the biggest star you can and that can’t hold it all.

There is another Father that I remember every day but today I remember Him as that. My Heavenly Father. Without Him, nothing could have set me free. Without Him, love is just a word. Without God, I am not truthful. Without You, Lord, I’m nothing!

God is love, grace and mercy. He is truth. He is everything and more. He made the stars. Some of them a quadrillion times bigger than the earth. Some even bigger. He made our world, just close enough to the sun and just far enough away so we don’t burn to death or freeze to death. He made us. So tiny that all we are is specks on a speck in a speck of a universe compared to Him and, yet, He loves us. He sent His only begotten son to die. To hang on a cross, the worse death anyone has ever died, for us. These tiny specks. And Jesus came willingly because he loves us.

He died so we could be God’s children. So He could be our Father. And that is love indescribable. So much of it that there is no comparison. Love so big that the universe is far, far too small to hold it.

But for those who refuse to accept Jesus as their Savior, it is love unfound. It is them that will never find God as their Father and who will die a thousand deaths and be separated from Him for eternity. Why is it so hard to accept a package of love? Because they do not think that much love can exist.

I have experienced my Father’s heavenly love and grace. I have walked with Him and yet can not describe it. But I can tell you this: I love Him and I love my dad. What more do I need? I have love indescribable.


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