Our Fireworks

Our Fireworks
I took this picture at a fireworks display a few years ago.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Suffer for God

On Sunday, Pastor Nick's Sermon made me think.

God says that we should say, “Lord, if it be Thy will, let us do this or that.” So, if someone asks at a job interview, “Where do you see yourself in five years?” We should reply, “Where ever God wants me.”

Being a Christian is not easy. If an easy life is what you want then you are not cut out to be a Christian. Christians are beaten, their belongings ruined, their dreams smothered, and killed. You think it only happened in the Bible? I dare you to look around at the world. It’s happening now. Right now, this minute, people are dying for God. This isn’t easy and if you want easy then don’t come here.

Why do people become God’s people then? Because, God is bigger than the biggest problem. God is love so pure that we need Him. God is grace, the only grace that will save us from sin and set us free. Because in the end, after all that suffering, we’ll get a reward so much better than anything anyone can imagine. Why do we stay when in that much pain? Why? Because we have faith and because when standing for God there is so much more to life. And nothing, not pain or death, can take away the peace, the calm, the love, the hope, the wonderful feeling to know beyond any doubt that God loves us. And no amount of pain can take us away. No amount of pain could make us regret. Not if you are truly God’s.

Even when we have no more strength. Even when we have nothing left. Even when we’re at life's darkest hour - we have God’s strength. He gives us what we need to go on one more day. One more week. One more year. Just one more for Him.

But if you want to sign up, beware. For you must give it all, not just some. Going to church and giving money isn’t all it takes. You better be ready to do God’s will, what ever it is, where ever it is.

God, whatever you want. I’ll do it because I love you. I’ll do it because you loved me first. I’ll do it because failing you hurts worse than any other pain can. I’ll do it because I want to help so much. But, Lord, first you must show me. Show me, Lord, please.


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